Optometry Office (hayward / castro valley)

2 Full time positions available in Optometry office. Flexible schedule (Monday through Saturday). We need a receptionist experience in handling multiple phone lines and greeting patients. Need an applicant to work in a large computerized optometry office with a positive attitude, great energy, able to connect and communicate well with patients, and willing to work as a team. Need a full time pre-tester/and neutralizer to check in glasses. Sick leave and vacation paid, as well as other perks. Spanish speaking is a plus but not required. Please e-mail us your resume in the body of the e-mail and please indicate your past work experience, positions start at $12-16 HR depending on experience.

To Apply to this job Please go to website address given in Source below
Source: https://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/hea/d/optometry-office/6776432824.html